Monday, 14 September 2009

the speech - edited by sensei

Yesterday, I read about "That first scary step".
I'm just going to write down the parts that I underlined.
私は "Do Hard Things" という本 を 読みました。 このスピーチについてのは よんだことのなかで、大切なものを 習っていることです。
私は 「その こわく第一歩だ」というチャプターを 読みました。


"If we take a step despite feeling uncomfortable, afraid, or inadequate, our comfort zones expand. We grow in strength and skill. What we consider normal for us changes, sometimes radically."
「居心地(いごこち)が悪いとか こわいとか 不十分の気持ち を 感じるのに、踏(ふ)み出すと、私たちの心地いい環境を伸ばしてはじめるとともに私たちは力と 技術 (ぎじゅつ)もせいちょうします。私たちの普通な事を変わるようになって、ときどき意識変革(いしきへんかく)とします。」その本に書いてありました。

I've been working in a Japanese company for two years now and normally, we would have Japanese managers. I've studied Japanese now for more than two years and am studying for the next level and by God's grace, pass the exam this December for the JLPT level 2. You'd think that that's really quite an achievement. Well, Praise God for that. You'd think that someone with that proficiency could muster up a "ohayou gozaimasu" or "konnichiwa" when the Japanese President or any Japanese manager would pass by me on the hallway. Well, for the life of me, up until now, I find it really hard. The book put it so well - it was uncomfortable, greeting them didn't seem to be of basic requirement, it's scary - perhaps irrational fear. If you look at it, hey even if I look at it, that's really something really easy to overcome. I remember one lunch time I was struck with inspiration and courage and piped up to my friend and lunch mate that we were going to make a "plan". Something that targeted more respect towards our Japanese bosses, because we noticed, it wasn't easy for most people to speak to them. For me, its so awkward to be in that atmosphere. And I don't think that I could be a blessing to them if we couldn't even greet them! Sure they probably don't mind that and we all just ignore each other. But the first step and it was essential to the "plan", was to be able to "greet" them. So the next day at lunch again, we found out that our plan was harder than we expected. For some reason, we couldn't muster up the "konnichiwa's". One of the people in the "plan" was able to greet them (many of them) on the note that they all passed her desk when they came in for work, and that she was part of the general affairs department. With that said, it's even more frustrating knowing it can be done but we just can't seem to consistently and properly do it.
私は 今日まで 2年まえぐらい つとめるのは日本の会社です。



たぶん居心地(いごこち)が悪いし、必要がなさそうし、非合理的(ひごうりてき)な恐怖(きょうふ)(irrational fear) もあるからでしょう。

いっしょに"The Plan" という 予定を作ってはじめました。

ほとんど皆さんはマネージャたちに話しにくそうでした。それに、会社の中なんかで マネージャのいる所に通る(とおる)とき、目せんを床(ゆか)とか反対のほうなどに かわっているかもしれません。てれるんけど、仕方がないと思いました。

そのために The Plan の 目的(もくてき)は 上司たちに もっと尊敬(そんけい)を 示す(しめす)つもりです。 やっぱり、この予定の第一歩は あいさつことです。

あくるひ、また昼ごはん中、あの よていは はずより むずかしかったんですよ。(The Plan は harder than we expected.)


このことはすこしものだけけど、居常(きょじょう」でも生活でも、いろいろなことを決まった理由は いわかんと恐れ(恐れ)をずっと考えていたのが 分かっているようになりました。

現在(げんざい)、私は日本の会社で働(はたら)いていて、2年以上(にねんいじょう)日本語を勉強(べんきょう)していて、神様(かみさま)の恩恵(おんけい)により、JLPT 3級(きゅう)が合格(ごうかく)できて、今は2級を勉強中(べんきょうちゅう)です。皆(みな)さんは感心(かんしん)してくれているかもしれませんが、私には秘密(ひみつ)があります。それは、日本人マネージャーに「おはようございます」や「こんにちは」のような、簡単(かんたん)な挨拶(あいさつ)すらいまだにできていません。

This narrative is such a small matter but I understand now that it has a lot to do with being uncomfortable and fear. I was challenged when the twins, Alex, and Brett wrote:
"You can't live by fear and faith at the same time." Then they pointed out 2 Timothy 1:7 "God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but the spirit of power, of love, and self-discipline."

Something in me has got to change. And perhaps such a small step out of my comfort zone will lead to bigger triumphs for God.


それにテモテという聖書の本に「神様が私たちに与えてくださったものは おくびょうの霊ではなく、力と愛とつつしみとの霊です。」私にチャレンジにさせました。



I am continually encouraged as they write, "What we're really saying is that we don't want to do things that don't come easily or naturally. We don't want to break through our fears. And by our actions, we're also saying that God isn't good and powerful enough to help us do what we can't comfortably do on our own. And that's a lie the Enemy loves!"

After that and the list enumerated after gave me second thoughts. I've always known that my God was all powerful, creator of the heavens and the earth. Yet I never acknowledged that in things like these. I'm glad they pointed that out. And you know what makes me even happier? It's that God uses my weaknesses so that He will be glorified when I depend on the strength He gives me and not my own.

Right now, I haven't a faintest idea how to go about it, or how God will work things out from this realization. I do know though that I might fail a couple of times to muster up this courage, but I will be able to do it, with His strength.

"It turns out that God loves to take stammering boys and shy girls and use them to change lives for eternity. And it's not about feeling strong; it's about obeying God.
Even when you're afraid."

それで 神様が与えた下さった力にたよったら、自分の力に頼らないで、難しいのに、居心地(いごこち)が悪いとか こわいなど のに、 できるはずですよ。

これから、どうやってわからないかどうか、たぶん 数度に 失敗するはずけど、やってみたら、あの力で できますよ。

みなさん、居心地が悪いとか、こわいとか 不十分の気持ちを感じてもるのに、第一歩をやってみましょう。




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